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Mješovita industrijsko-obrtnička škola Karlovac



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Industry and Trade Vocational School


MIOS is a successor of the first Apprenticeship School that was founded in 1887 in Karlovac. Over years this original school changed locations and names and offered different courses while remaining primarily dedicated to providing vocational education to students interested in pursuing trades and crafts and later on industry trade vocations.

About the school

MIOS is a medium scale school which employs just over 50 staff and schools round 400 students in three and four year courses. Three year courses lead to vocational school leaving certificate that enables students to pursue their careers in the vocation of their choice. Four year courses also lead to work ready qualifications while preparing students for further education as well. As a lot of courses are linked to building industry, most of our students go on to study Architecture or Building.

MIOS staff is composed of highly educated teachers and trained professionals who deliver general and vocational courses and do their best to motivate students to reach their full potential in their respective fields of training.

The school is located in the city centre of Karlovac and is easy to access using public transport. If you are considering MIOS as your partner in LLP, please note that Karlovac is only 40 km away from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, meaning that it is easy to get to irrespective of which way you chose to come.

Karlovac is a beautiful town boasting four rivers and lots leafy parks. There is even a Castle and many beautiful buildings and sights to explore. It is a 100 km from the Croatian Coastline and only 70 km from the Plitvice Lakes National Park, a unique nature reserve worth visiting.

MIOS LLP Activities

MIOS joined LLP activities as soon as Croatia was granted access to EU Lifelong Learning Programmes in 2009. We started of small and our projects grew bigger and bigger over time as we included larger numbers of students and teaching staff and branched out into different EU countries. We have managed to include well over 50 persons in  different outgoing activities and many more in various dissemination events. MIOS is trying to enhance the attractiveness of vocational training and offer students and staff opportunities for professional and personal growth while connecting to EU organisations and exchanging experiences worth sharing.

In addition to sending, as of this year MIOS is also a receiving partner. We will welcome students and teachers from Lithuania and the Czech Republic. We are organising in house training and work placement for building technicians, painters and hairdressers.

Our partners in these projects are Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering,Havířov – Podlesí, Czech Republic,

Klaipeda Dressmaking and Service Business School, Lithuania

Alytus Vocational Training Centre, Lithuania

MIOS Lifelong Learning Projects


Smart Building, IVT mobility project – three building technician students spent three weeks in Plymouth, UK and gained building industry experience and learned about energy efficient building and renovations.

Getting skilled, VETPRO mobility project – a building industry teacher spent a weak in Plymouth learning about building in UK.

Our UK partner in both of these mobilities was Tellus, UK.


Experience EU Education, IVT mobility project – involved 6 students and three EU partner schools in Slovenia, Sweden and Lithuania. Students were able to attend school and take part in practical training at the host partner schools.

European Know How, VETPRO mobility project – six vocational training professionals were sent to partner schools in Slovenia, Sweden and Lithuania for a week and were able to observe teaching and training at those institutions bringing back good practise experiences some of which MIOS was able to implement.

Partner schools in these projects


Šolski Center Novo Mesto, Srednja Gradbena in Lessarska šola, Slovenia

Ester Mossesons Gymnasium, Sweden


New Horizons, IVT mobility project – involved 12 students and 3 accompanying teachers who went to Vienna in Austria, Rome in Italy and Rimini in Italy to pursue study visits and practical placement activities.

Partners in this project

Progettazione CESFOR, Italy

Sistema Turismo s.r.l., Italy

HTL Donaustadt, Austria


Grow, VETPRO mobility project involving 3 vocational education teachers who will visit Londonderry in March of 2013 and learn about their respective fields and education in UK during a week's stay.

Our partner in this project is North West Academy of English, UK.

Connecting, IVT Leonardo mobility project

14 students and 2 accompanying teachers are going to Frankfurt, Gemany to undertake vocational practical placements. The partner in this project is the Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung Deutschland.

Comenius projects


Extended Horizons, Comenius bilateral partnership

10 students and 2 accompanying teachers visit our partner school in Vienna, Austria, and the same number of students and teachers will visit our school. The aim of this project is to lern Croatian and German and to create a shared web site. This is a continuation of our cooperation with HTL Donaustadt, Austria.

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